Bringing Your Company to Life With 2D Animated Video

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Digital media and especially social media provide an amazing opportunity to get your company in front of your target audience. The opportunities to promote are almost unlimited with channels to suit all audience demographics and age groups. That is the good news. The bad news is that competition for attention on social media is incredibly fierce, and your competition will know this too. The trick then becomes how to produce content that will make your firm’s messages rise to the top like cream. Find out why animated video is a good way to get started and get your firm in front of potentially huge audiences.

Video in the marketing mix

Writing blogs, articles and other forms of written content is still important. It serves to underline your firm’s credibility, thought leadership, and optimize SEO. But the way to generate new leads and bring potential buyers to your website is with short, captivating video. Social media channels are becoming ever-more used. At the same time they are also becoming ever-more competitive. Getting your messages across in a clear and succinct manner is vital. Solution-orientated content that shows your potential buyers how you can help them and why they should partner with you is vital to bringing in fresh prospects.

The first few seconds of your ad need to stand out. People scroll on social media, and they scroll fast. Unless the first couple of seconds entices them to pause on your content, they will continue straight past it.

How can animated video help?

2D animated video can help your firm to tell a story. It can help you show buyers in a very short space of time why your products are the ones to buy, or why they should find out more about the services you offer. Animated video is highly adaptable and can be used to bring all kinds of products and services to life. Aim to quickly highlight how your products will make the prospect more money, or reduce a point of friction they are experiencing.

Making your move

Deciding where to start is easy. It is unlikely you have the skills or time already in-house to consider producing video. You may be able to pull something together, but it will take time and it may look like what it is – a DIY production. Given how competitive social media is for attention, it is important to ask yourself what you want your potential buyers’ first impressions of your firm to be. Consider recruiting an animation video company to help you turn your great products into great videos. This approach can help your potential buyers see the products without using all your marketing budget in one go.

A video animation company will be able to help you turn your products or services into compelling stories that grab the viewers’ attention. They will also be able to tell you how to incorporate a strong call to action at the end to get your viewers to visit a landing page or request a trial.

Choosing your video animation company

There is good news – this is a buyers’ market. There are many hundreds of animated video agencies around the world to choose from. You can work with them remotely to produce content. The bad news is that finding the right quality video production partner can also be a challenge. Sifting through hundreds of search results is not an attractive option either. The best advice is to make a shortlist of a few agencies that look credible and have a good portfolio of work published online. From there, put some requirements together to give an outline of the type of video you are looking to produce and the budget you have available. This will help the agencies to understand your project and figure out how best to help you.

When they reply, arrange to talk to them in more detail. Press them on how they will make your videos convert from impressions and views into the real metrics of sales and trial requests. Producing modern video is not just about making it look nice. Ensure you are working with an agency that understands the end goal and is on board with what you want your campaign to achieve. Look up a few of your shortlisted agencies’ customers. This will give you a feel for their style and the types of call to action they use to generate leads. Being rigorous with your search will ensure you find the best possible partner to produce your videos, and the best chance of success.

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