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Culture in Abu Dhabi, a Quick Guide

Immerse yourself in the vibrant tapestry culture in Abu Dhabi: discover ancient heritage, modern marvels, and captivating traditions. This quick guide unlocks the secrets of Emirati life, from etiquette to art, food, and festivals. Plan your journey and experience the heart of Abu Dhabi.

Abu Dhabi, the capital city of the United Arab Emirates, has developed into a corporate metropolis in a short span. This second-largest city in the UAE provides over two-thirds of the $400 billion UAE GDPI. It offers several places of interest for tourists. The tourists can explore several significant places from the stunning Grand Mosque to the recently opened Ferrari World.

Culture in Abu Dhabi, a Quick Guide
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The best option to fly to Abu Dhabi is to book your tickets on Etihad Airlines. The airline, based in Abu Dhabi, connects different destinations in North America, Europe, Asia, Australia, the Middle East, Africa, and Africa. So, compare Etihad ticket prices with those of other airlines and get the best deals online.

Learn more about Abu Dhabi’s culture 

Abu Dhabi Traditions and Culture

  • Islamic culture: Abu Dhabi is known for its rich Islamic culture and heritage buildings. The government has made significant investments in tourism, preserving the Islamic culture of Abu Dhabi. The government has developed large parks and other infrastructure to enhance the comfort of tourists. Abu Dhabi attracts a large number of visitors from all around the world to learn about the culture. Moreover, people come to this place for career, business and leisure.
  • Arabic Pride: Arabs are popular for their wars, bravery, and swordsmanship. In Arabia, war was adored during the Islamic period, but it went extinct over time. However, they consider themselves the pioneers. Arabs are very rich and extravagant, but very generous and religious as well. You can see extravagance in everything in the city.
  • Politeness: It is impolite to use blaring music in cars and other vehicles, like in other countries. Arabs will not touch women, so handshakes, greetings, hugs, and kisses are prohibited here. Greetings are made through salam, which is an Islamic salutation with a hand on the chest.
  • Cultural heart: Popular for its desert safaris, belly dancing, and Arabic poetry, Abu Dhabi is known as the cultural heart of the United Arab Emirates. The Arabs have rightfully boasted of being the best poets in the world throughout history. Calligraphy is a form of art that is very famous in Islamic culture. The art is widely taught to anyone willing to learn it.
  • The Dress: The traditional outfit of men is a dishdasha, a full-length shirt dress with a checked ghutra, and the women wear a long black robe known as an Abaya and a headscarf known as a Sheyla.

Festivals in Abu Dhabi

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Image Resource : pexels.com

Some of the popular festivals of Abu Dhabi are Islamic festivals like Ramadan, Eid al-Adha, Eid ul Fitr, etc. Festivals that are not bound to any religion or tradition are National Day celebrations, the Abu Dhabi Festival, and the Abu Dhabi Film Festival.

The Architecture of Abu Dhabi

The architecture of Abu Dhabi portrays the culture of a bygone era. With the onset of the pearl and oil industries, the city has flourished, and the per capita income of the average resident has also increased manifold. Today, the country’s per capita income is higher than in any other country. The construction of skyscrapers, shopping centres, mosques, residential neighbourhoods, and even the restoration of monuments are carried out using this money.

Food and Cuisines

Abu Dhabi has an infinite variety of cuisines that range from Indian to Italian. Though the tourist can enjoy any kind of food there, the true fulfilment starts when the local cuisine enters the picture. It is better to travel all across Abu Dhabi and taste the local street food, such as harees, makboos, salona, and madrooba.

Folk Dance and Music

The dance and music of the UAE are based on a popular native music style called Khaliji. This music is performed using a flute, a drum, and a violin. Another type of art, Bedouins, is performed using drums and tambourines.

Owing to its diverse culture, the city is the best place to explore and enjoy. You can book your tickets online through Etihad Airlines or any other travel agent’s website. You can compare the Etihad Airlines ticket price and get the best deal.

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