
A Wooden Bed Can Take Different Shapes, Know How

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A bed is not just an ordinary piece of furniture. It plays an important role in your life. No bedroom is complete without a bed in it. You spend most of your time sleeping on your beds. It is the place where you relax, so it should be nothing but comfortable. The quality and type of the bed play an important role in allowing you to sleep well. If you sleep well, you can stay healthy and work better. Many people feel that it is better to go for a wooden bed. 

Types Of Wooden Bed

Here are various types of beds that you might want to invest in. Beds come in various categories from smaller sizes to king-size beds, from metal ones to wooden beds. Read below to understand some of the different types of beds.

  1. Crib– A crib is a bed that is specially designed for new babies till they are 2 to 3 years old. It offers a separate area for the baby to sleep and grow. This crib can be kept in a separate nursery or you can even keep it right next to your bed to keep a watch on your baby while he is asleep.
  2. Kids bed– This bed is used when the baby grows older. It is used for kids from 3 to 10 years. You can pick beautiful colors for the bed like pink, white, blue, etc. You can even decorate this bed with beautiful stickers. The mattress size is designed according to the size of growing babies. 
  3. Queen bed– Queen bed is bigger than a single bed but smaller than a king-sized bed. This bed can accommodate two people but feels a little cramped. This bed is made for small rooms, small-budget hotels, and guest rooms.
  4. King-sized bed– This bed is the most popular bed in the country. In India, the majority of the kids sleep with their parents. So, couples need bigger beds. Hence, a king-sized bed is demanded the most in the country. A king-sized bed is available in various forms like a king-sized bed with storage, a king-sized bed without storage, a king-size bed in low height, a four-poster bed with canopy, a bed with a hydraulic lift, and a bed with manual storage, a bed with drawer in the footboard, etc. 
  5. Single bed- A single bed is a bed that has a single mattress. It is also used for younger kids from 10 to 24 years of age. As the name suggests, this bed is made for a single person. This is a perfect bed for you in case you have space constraints. 
  6. Sofa cum bed- As the name suggests, a sofa cum bed can be used as a sofa during the daytime and can be converted into a bed in the nighttime. The sofa is designed in such a way that it can be folded and then expanded. So, this bed is used for dual purposes. This bed helps you to save some space and money as well because you don’t have to buy two separate pieces of furniture (one sofa and one bed). 
  7. Bunk beds: A bunk bed is a bed in which one can sleep at the bottom and one can sleep on the top. There is a ladder in this bed which can be used from going from the bottom to the top of the bed. It is one of the main attractions for kids. Such beds are also used for camps, the army, hostels, etc. The advantage of this bed is that more people can sleep in the same bed without having to give extra space on the floor.
  8. Day bed: The beds with loose cushions are the best example of a daybed. You can just put the cushions on the side and relax. You can also call it a sofa bed.
  9. Dewan: A dewan bed is a single bed that is commonly used in living rooms in the country. This bed comes both with storage and without storage. 


In the end, it can be said that since sleep is an important part of your life, you need to invest in a good bed. You must have a good quality bed so that it can last for a long time. A wooden bed can take various shapes and forms, so you need to understand very well the different types of beds and their different uses too. with the information above, you are in a position to understand what kind of bed you need for your house based on its utility, purpose, and price. No matter what kind of bed you go for, wooden furniture is durable, easy to maintain, and can be passed on to generations.

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