
Wellhealthorganic .Com Some amazing Health benefits of drinking water from an earthen pot In 2023

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Drinking water is an essential part of maintaining good health. However, the quality of water is equally important. Many people are switching to earthen pots for storing and drinking water due to their numerous health benefits. In this article, we will discuss the health benefits of drinking water from an earthen pot.

How Does an Earthen Pot Purify Water?

Earthen pots are made of clay, which has the unique property of absorbing impurities and toxins from water. The porous nature of clay allows water to seep through and get filtered naturally. The water stored in an earthen pot is cooled naturally due to the natural evaporation process that takes place through the pores of the pot, making it an ideal source of drinking water.

Key features:

An earthen pot is a traditional vessel made of clay that has been used for centuries to store and drink water. Here are some key features of earthen pots:

  1. Natural material: Earthen pots are made of natural clay that is free from any chemicals or additives that may be harmful to health. This makes them a safe and eco-friendly option for storing and drinking water.
  2. Cooling properties: The porous nature of earthen pots allows water to cool naturally through evaporation, making them an ideal choice for hot and dry climates.
  3. Filtering properties: The tiny pores in earthen pots act as a natural filter, removing impurities and bacteria from the water.
  4. Traditional method: Earthen pots have been used for centuries in many cultures as a preferred method for storing and drinking water.
  5. Cost-effective: Earthen pots are an affordable option for storing and drinking water, and they can be easily found in local markets.
  6. Cultural significance: Earthen pots have cultural significance in many regions and are often used in religious and ceremonial contexts.
  7. Environmentally friendly: Earthen pots are made of natural materials and are biodegradable, making them a sustainable and eco-friendly option for storing and drinking water.

By considering these core facts, you can appreciate the unique benefits and cultural significance of earthen pots, and make an informed choice about using them for storing and drinking water.

How to Use an Earthen Pot?

Using an earthen pot for drinking water is easy, and maintaining it properly can help prolong its lifespan. Here are some tips on how to use and maintain an earthen pot for drinking water:

  1. Soak the pot before use: Before using the earthen pot for the first time, soak it in water for a few hours to remove any impurities or loose clay particles.
  2. Clean the pot regularly: Clean the earthen pot regularly with a soft brush or sponge and mild soap to remove any dirt or impurities. Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive materials that can damage the clay.
  3. Dry the pot completely: After washing the earthen pot, dry it completely in the sun or a well-ventilated area. This will prevent any bacteria or mold growth and help maintain the porous structure of the clay.
  4. Store the pot properly: When not in use, store the earthen pot in a dry, cool place to prevent cracking or breakage. Do not stack other objects on top of it.
  5. Refill the pot regularly: To maintain the natural filtration properties of the earthen pot, refill it with fresh water regularly. Avoid leaving water in the pot for too long, as this can lead to bacterial growth.
  6. Replace the pot when necessary: Over time, earthen pots can develop cracks or chips that can compromise their filtration properties. If the pot is damaged, replace it with a new one to ensure that you continue to enjoy the health benefits of drinking water from an earthen pot.

By following these tips, you can use and maintain your earthen pot for drinking water in a safe and effective manner, and enjoy the many health benefits it offers.

Benefits of Drinking Water from an Earthen Pot

Drinking water from an earthen pot has several health benefits, including:

  • Natural purification of water
  • Improved digestion and metabolism
  • Increased immunity and disease resistance
  • Reduced acidity and heartburn
  • Improved skin and hair health
  • Reduced risk of water-borne diseases

Core Factors of an earthen pot:

An earthen pot is a traditional vessel made of clay, commonly used for storing and drinking water. Here are some core factors of an earthen pot:

  1. Material: Earthen pots are made of natural clay, which is rich in minerals and has natural cooling properties. The clay should be free of any chemicals or additives that may leach into the water.
  2. Porosity: The porous nature of earthen pots allows the water to cool naturally by evaporation, and the tiny pores help to filter out impurities and bacteria from the water.
  3. Shape and Size: Earthen pots come in various shapes and sizes. The size of the pot depends on the quantity of water needed, while the shape affects the rate of cooling and filtration.
  4. Water Quality: Earthen pots work best with clean, fresh water. Water that is contaminated or has a high level of minerals may react with the clay, affecting the taste and quality of the water.
  5. Usage: Earthen pots should be used for storing and drinking water only. They should not be used for storing acidic liquids or any other liquids, as they may damage the clay.
  6. Maintenance: Earthen pots should be cleaned regularly and kept in a cool and dry place when not in use. They should also be soaked in water for a few hours before the first use to ensure that they are properly seasoned.

By considering these core factors, you can ensure that you get the most out of your earthen pot, and enjoy the natural cooling and filtration properties that it provides.

Top Earthen Pots for Drinking Water

Here are some of the best earthen pots available in the market for drinking water:

1. Mitticool Earthen Clay Water Pot

The Mitticool Earthen Clay Water Pot is a popular choice for drinking water. It is made of natural clay and comes with a tap for easy dispensing of water. The pot is designed to keep the water cool for a long time, making it ideal for summers.

2. Bharat Pottery Earthen Water Pot

The Bharat Pottery Earthen Water Pot is another great option for drinking water. It is made of natural clay and is available in different sizes to suit your needs. The pot is designed to keep the water cool and has a traditional design that adds to the aesthetics of your home.

3. Vareesha Terracotta Water Pot

The Vareesha Terracotta Water Pot is a stylish option for drinking water. It is made of terracotta and comes with a lid to keep the water clean. The pot has a smooth finish and is easy to clean.

4. Clay Craft India Earthen Pot

The Clay Craft India Earthen Pot is a handcrafted pot made of natural clay. It has a traditional design and is available in different sizes. The pot is designed to keep the water cool and has a tap for easy dispensing.

5. VarEesha Terracotta Water Pot

The VarEesha Terracotta Water Pot is a unique option for drinking water. It is made of terracotta and comes with a stand for easy handling. The pot has a modern design and is available in different sizes.

Tips for Choosing the Right Earthen Pot for Drinking Water:

Earthen pots have been used for centuries to store and drink water. They are a traditional and natural way of purifying and cooling water. Here are some tips to help you choose the right earthen pot for drinking water.

  1. Size: The size of the earthen pot should be based on your daily water consumption. If you have a large family or drink a lot of water, choose a bigger pot.
  2. Material: Earthen pots are made of clay or terracotta. Choose a pot made of pure clay, as it is more porous and will cool the water faster. Avoid pots with glazes or other chemical coatings, as they may leach into the water and contaminate it.
  3. Shape: The shape of the pot should be such that it is easy to clean and fill with water. Look for pots with a wide mouth, as they are easier to clean and fill.
  4. Lid: Choose a pot with a lid to keep dirt, insects and other contaminants out of the water. The lid should fit tightly on the pot.
  5. Design: Earthen pots come in different designs and styles. Choose a pot that is aesthetically pleasing and matches your home decor.
  6. Brand: Choose a reputable brand that uses high-quality clay and has a good reputation for making earthen pots.
  7. Price: The price of the earthen pot should be reasonable and within your budget. However, don’t compromise on quality for a cheaper price.

The Science behind the Health Benefits of Drinking Water from an Earthen Pot:

For centuries, people in many parts of the world have used earthen pots to store and drink water. While the practice is traditional, there is also scientific evidence to support the health benefits of drinking water from an earthen pot.

Here are some of the ways that an earthen pot can benefit your health:

  1. Cooling effect:
    Earthen pots have a natural cooling effect on water, making it more refreshing to drink, especially during hot weather. This is because the porous clay allows water to seep through and evaporate, which lowers the temperature of the water.
  2. Natural filtration:
    The porous clay of an earthen pot acts as a natural filter, removing impurities and contaminants from water. The clay has a negative charge that attracts positively charged impurities, such as bacteria and toxins, which are then trapped in the clay.
  3. Alkaline water:
    Water stored in an earthen pot has a slightly alkaline pH level, which can help neutralize acidity in the body. Alkaline water is believed to have several health benefits, including reducing acid reflux, improving hydration, and boosting the immune system.
  4. Mineral-rich water:
    Earthen pots are known to add minerals such as calcium, magnesium, and potassium to water. These minerals are essential for good health, and drinking mineral-rich water can help prevent deficiencies and promote overall well-being.
  5. Improved digestion:
    Drinking water from an earthen pot can improve digestion and reduce gastrointestinal issues. The minerals and alkalinity of the water can stimulate the digestive enzymes and help neutralize acidity in the stomach, reducing indigestion and bloating.


Earthen pots are a traditional and natural way of purifying and cooling water. Here are some frequently asked questions about earthen pots for drinking water.

Q: How does an earthen pot purify water?

A: Earthen pots are made of porous clay or terracotta, which allows water to seep through and evaporate from the surface. This process cools the water and removes impurities, making it safe for drinking.

Q: How long can water be stored in an earthen pot?

A: Water can be stored in an earthen pot for up to 24 hours, depending on the temperature and humidity. It is best to refill the pot daily and clean it thoroughly every week to prevent the growth of bacteria and mold.

Q: Can earthen pots be used to store other liquids besides water?

A: No, earthen pots are designed specifically for storing and drinking water. They are not suitable for storing other liquids, as they may absorb flavors and odors.

Q: How do I clean an earthen pot?

A: Clean the earthen pot with warm water and a soft brush. Do not use soap or detergent, as they may damage the porous clay. Let the pot air dry in a cool, shaded area before refilling it with water.

Q: Can earthen pots be used in the refrigerator?

A: No, earthen pots should not be used in the refrigerator, as the sudden temperature change may crack the clay. It is best to keep the pot in a cool, shaded area.

Q: What are the benefits of drinking water from an earthen pot?

A: Drinking water from an earthen pot has several benefits, including cooling the body, improving digestion, and enhancing the taste of water. Earthen pots are also eco-friendly and sustainable, as they do not require electricity or other energy sources.

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