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How to see who is stalking your facebook profile

Well , in 21st century means of communications has change. People around the world are connected through social media platforms. Most of the peoples wants to get maximum views on their Facebook stories, but its from the right person. Sometimes views from the unknown persons make uncomfortable to the users. To avoid from such people we must have to idea that who is stalking your Facebook profile. We are here in this article we guide you, How to see who is stalking your Facebook profile, and how to protect your profile from unknown or unwanted peoples.

First of all, there is no such option to see who is stalking your profile. Any user from anywhere in the world can approach your profile but it doesn’t mean that you are helpless and can’t do anything. Yet, plenty of options you have that may use to stop stalking your Facebook profile. Here, we must inform you that not any third-party application check and to inform you how to see who is stalking your Facebook profile. So, please ignore such applications that are claiming to show you everyone who is visited your profile.

From all the above story it doesn’t mean you can’t do anything. Still you have some cunning workarounds you can use to know who is stalking your facebook profile.

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How to see who is stalking your facebook profile

Who Has Watched Your Facebook Story

First and at most may to check who is stalking your profile is to see who is watching your facebook story. You can see easily who is watching your profile and story in viewers list. To know this first create a story from facebook profile.

While there’s no way to check who has viewed your Facebook profile, you can post a Facebook Story on your account and find out who watches it. If someone views your profile and they end up clicking or tapping your Story, you’ll see them in your Story audience list.

How to Create a Story

  1. First of all, login your facebook account and click or tap on “Create story”
  2. Now add the content you to share on story and publish it. This story will be viewable till next 24hours. during this time you can check anytime who has viewed your story.
  3. After some time just like couple of hours, open again your Facebook Story, and see “Viewers” to see who has watched it. Through this you can have an idea of the people checking out your profile as mentioned in below imageFacebook story Viewer

Facebook story Viewer

How to Protect Yourself From Facebook Stalking

In the next step of this guide, How to see who is stalking your facebook profile, we will try to use some methods that will protect your profile from unwanted or unknown persons. Yes, it is right that you can’t see who stalk your profile but with few privacy settings you can safe your facebook profile from those people.

Select Who Can Watch Story

The simple method to prevent unknown audience is to select who can watch your story or profile. You can make your facebook stories private and confidential or viewable for selective people.

For this create a new post, on the new post screen, select the padlock icon beneath your name. On the “Post Audience” page, select your post’s audience as mentioned below image.

Once the post is shared can be change the audience from private to public by clicking on the same post.

Block Unwanted Viewers

Block unwanted audience is another option you can adopt to prevent your profile. Moreover you can also report a profile If you get harassed by someone. Facebook security team will analysis your complain and if your complain is find right that person profile can be suspend from the facebook. You can report or block someone by taking simple steps:

  1. Go to the specific profile
  2. Click on the three dots on the right corner of the profile as mentioned in the image
  3. As you click option of block or report open. Choose which ever you want and click on the confirm button. The other method is to simply click on padlock, enter the name and block the person you don’t want to see.

Set Account Privacy

Well, if still you are facing problem then make it your profile private. this will make your profile or story to viewable your friends or only those who wants to show else can’t approach to your messaging or story.

By this method any person who is not your friend on Facebook will only see your profile picture, cover photo, and a portion of your about information. They’ll know you’ve made your account private as Facebook will display a badge on your profile. You can make your account private by following steps:

  1. Go to your profile and same click on the three dots.
  2. Some options will open, from here click on the last option option “Lock Profile”
  3. Click on it, a window will open and press lock profile button
  4. After that press “OK” button.
  5. Now your profile is locked.
  6. As mentioned above image, you can also unlock your profile.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: Is it Possible to See Who Viewed Your Profile?
No, Facebook does not offer a feature to see who viewed your profile. Be cautious of any service that claims otherwise.

Q2: What Should I Do If I Suspect Someone Is Stalking My Profile?
If you suspect someone is stalking your profile, report the account to Facebook, adjust your privacy settings, and consider blocking the user.

Q3: How Can I Make My Profile More Secure?
Enhancing profile security involves using strong passwords, enabling two-factor authentication, and regularly reviewing privacy settings.

Q4: Are Third-Party Apps Safe to Use?
Most third-party apps claiming to track profile viewers are not safe and can compromise your privacy. It is best to avoid these services.

Q5: What Are the Signs of a Hacked Account?
Signs of a hacked account include unexpected password changes, unfamiliar posts or messages, and login alerts from unknown locations.

Q6: How Does Facebook Protect My Data?
Facebook employs various security measures, including encryption and regular security updates.

Editorial Note

While Facebook does not offer a feature to see who is stalking your profile, there are few methods we mentioned here to find out How to see who is stalking your facebook profile. However, We recommend you prioritize your privacy and security over curiosity. Regularly review your privacy settings and be cautious of third-party tools that claim to offer insights into profile visitors.

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